
Brad Tucker

Business Consultant & Coach

Brad is Lion Leadership’s go-to for business coaching and serves as a consultant for business owners through all stages of the business cycle: startup, growth, sale. With 35 years of experience, Brad has started businesses from scratch and bought existing businesses. He has turned around failing businesses and improved successful ones. He has sold businesses to individuals, private companies, and private equity groups. He is the race car driver you want on your team to understand the day-to-day yet get you to the finish line of retiring with money in your pockets and your sanity in check.

Brad is used to working with visionary founders, skilled operations specialists, teams, and entrepreneurs. His approachable, growth-oriented, and success driven mindset sets him apart from other business coaches out there.

Learn more about Brad’s services here: Look Ahead Business Consulting.

Brad holds a BS in Business Administration from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.