14 Bad Communication Habits And How Professionals Can Break Them
Via Forbes.com
Success in any field requires a clear understanding of the most effective ways to communicate with others. Poor communication skills can not only damage your reputation but also cause your company to lose business.
Changing a bad communication habit isn’t easy, especially if you’re unaware of what you’re doing, much less how others perceive the behavior. Once you are able to identify the problem and understand the negative consequences of continuing the bad habit, you can make changes in how you communicate to improve your professional relationships and your career trajectory.
We asked members of Forbes Coaches Council to share some less-than-ideal communication habits that could hinder your chances of finding the success you seek in your career. Here are 14 common practices they believe every professional should avoid, and what to do instead.
1. Not Asking Questions
We tend to swap opinions and stories rather than ask questions. Taking a coach-approach to a conversation helps to create an effective dialogue, as opposed to alternating mini-monologues. You could dig into what you've just heard with a statement as simple as, "Tell me more." Asking questions about the other person and his or her situation is a trust builder and shows them you care about them. - Christopher Jones, LeaderSharp Group Inc.
2. Ignoring Difficult News
People have the tendency to ignore difficult or challenging news in the hope that issues will resolve on their own or disappear eventually. This habit is misguided, and I advise my clients to process critical issues by considering the worst that can happen if they refuse to address the issue promptly. Thinking through the worst-case scenario is an effective mechanism to drive action. - Dr. Flo Falayi, Hybrid Leaders, Inc
3. Indirect Outreach And Insufficient Follow-Up
A huge misstep in communication is two-fold: being indirect with outreach and not implementing what I have coined the "tap back" within 24 hours. If you desire expeditious communication with a colleague, a manager, a client or a vendor, it is completely possible to achieve without being pushy, aggressive or arrogant. When outreach is direct, I can get a response 80% of the time with a simple, "Thoughts?" - Dena Breslin, DenaB Coaching
4. Hiding Behind 'Anonymous' Surveys
Leaders, talk to your folks and stop hiding behind surveys! I have been a member of several organizations with few African American women. I can recall opening diversity and inclusion surveys that asked for my pay grade, race and gender. Well, there goes anonymous input! I recommend that the women I coach avoid them. Surveys will not resolve race or gender issues. - Mika Hunter, Female Defender
5. Ignoring Questions In Text Messages
It baffles me when I see negative reactions to SMS text messages. I have noticed that, among both professionals and entrepreneurs, when a question is inserted into the body of the message, somehow the question is ignored. It is important to be patient while reading a message to ensure that the response communication is in alignment and creates meaning for the receiver. - Janet Adetu, JSK CONSULTING GROUP
6. Waiting To Speak Up
Don't wait to speak up when something isn't working. Just because something is difficult doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong. Often, the most challenging conversations prove to be the most rewarding. When we detach from the idea of right and wrong or good versus bad, we begin to understand difficult communication as useful information that is essential for growth. - Hannah Koenig, HANNAH KONEIG INTERNATIONAL LLC
7. Interrupting Others
A bad communication habit is interrupting. Interrupting people sends a variety of messages to the people you are speaking to and also to those who are listening. Interrupting is a form of intrusion, and it can make the person you are talking to feel as if what you have to say is more important than what they were saying. Try taking notes and waiting quietly, and if you interrupt, quickly apologize. - Scott P. Dawson, MBA, Nspired Ascensions Inc.
8. Rehearsing Responses Instead Of Truly Listening
A common bad communication habit people have is the tendency not to listen. Instead, they are spending time thinking and rehearsing what their response should be. This can be overcome by being present, listening attentively and hearing what the other person is saying. You will be able to respond with well-thought-out answers, resulting in the other person feeling heard and validated. - Christie Samson, Career Management Coach and Outplacement Consultant
9. Immediately Sharing A Similar Experience
When people are sharing something about themselves, we may immediately tell them about a similar thing that happened to us. This can create a connection because you have common ground, but don't jump to that response too quickly. Listen, ask questions and show real interest and curiosity. Then, you can share your own experience. - Daphna Horowitz, Daphna Horowitz Leadership
10. Impatience In Communicating
Interrupting others generates negative emotions such as anxiety and anger. It stems from the need to be right in our impatient world. Still, we don’t get to hear what the other person was going to say, and we reduce the number of ideas and the chances of building a relationship. Develop the habits of taking a deep breath before you speak and writing down what you want to say so that it doesn’t slip your mind. - Inga Bielińska, Inga Arianna Bielinska Coaching Consulting Mentoring
11. Failing To Listen With Intention
We often struggle to really listen. Too often we fall into the trap of smiling and nodding while formulating our next comment or response and really not intently paying attention to what is being said. Instead, we need to listen with the intention of helping our colleagues feel heard, valued and understood. This will allow us to develop greater trust and communicate more effectively. - Jonathan H. Westover, Ph.D, Utah Valley University & Human Capital Innovations, LLC
12. Sending Canned Networking Messages
One of my personal pet peeves is being sent canned invitation notices on platforms such as LinkedIn. The whole premise of the platform is to encourage professional, two-way communication. It comes with a default invitation message, but if you can't take the time to help me understand why we should connect, then I am extremely reluctant to give you the courtesy of my time. Customize your invite! - Karan Rhodes, Shockingly Different Leadership
13. Staying Silent For Fear Of Social Repercussions
I find that people who fail to say what truly is on their minds because they fear social repercussions struggle in the long run. Speaking up and practicing the skill of having “tough conversations” are great habits to start. The book Crucial Conversations: Tools For Talking When Stakes Are High by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan and Al Switzler is a great place not only to get ideas on how to do it, but also to find the inspiration to do it. - Natasha Ganem, Lion Leadership
14. Hitting ‘Send’ Too Quickly
Hitting "Send" too quickly is the one habit that I see many people regret. Making use of the "Schedule send" feature in Gmail allows you to send more timely emails. By thinking on behalf of the email recipients, you can schedule the communication to land in their inbox at the most convenient time for them, and not just instinctively send it when it is convenient for you. - Kelly Huang, Genesis Advisers