Three Simple Actions All Entrepreneurs Can Take To Be Better Managers


It is nearly impossible for a person to be both a great manager and a great entrepreneur. This is because the two jobs require completely different skill sets.

Entrepreneurs require a mentality of both imagination and growth as well as a clearly defined strength in being able to sell an idea. Entrepreneurship also requires stubborn determination, grit and unrelenting emotional stamina.

Managers, on the other hand, require extreme levels of focus, patience and presence. Management also requires attention to detail, time to think deeply on single topics and flexibility to properly motivate workers.

It’s no wonder that the number one question I hear from frustrated entrepreneurial managers is “Why won’t they do what I want them to do?”

The answer lies in the fact that even the most brilliant and successful entrepreneurs can be very poor at managing their people. Smart company owners hire a chief operating officer (COO) to do this for them, recognizing they will not be great at it themselves.

Yet this is a true challenge for startups when there are not enough resources for both roles. So what can be done?

Below I list three simple actions that all entrepreneurs and startup founders can take to better manage their people and to get company staff more motivated by their vision. Well, at least until they do have the funds to hire that coveted COO position.

1. Don’t cancel meetings. And show up on time.

Employees need time with their boss, even if their boss is the company owner. When there are no critical issues to address, founders tend to flake, yet workers still need this time to build a relationship. After all, who wants to work their fingers to the bone for someone they hardly know or understand? And who wants to work for someone who only shows up when they have agenda items? Employee motivation comes within the context of a relationship, and it takes consistency of presence, at minimum, to build one. Showing up, on time, for meetings goes a very long way. It tells people that you care about them and that their time is just as valuable as your time, and it models the respect you are seeking in return.

2. Set clear expectations and goals. Show gratitude when reached.

Great entrepreneurs have great vision, yet often struggle to come up with the discrete actions needed to achieve it. This typically is not the end of the world, because, after all, if you hire the right people, they can figure this out for you. Yet many times, especially in the startup phases of a project, staff will need clearer direction, and they will need it from the top. Hearing direction straight from the company owner, having the ability to ask clarifying questions and being able to leverage a brainstorming partner quickly escalates the ability of employees to crush goals. Want to know what quickly escalates their ability to do this again and again? Having the entrepreneurial founder thank them for their work. So don’t forget to tell your people that they did a good job as well as to find other ways to celebrate their effort.

3. Ask “How can I help?” Listen carefully. And then follow through.

Yes, you did hire them to do a job. Yes, their paycheck is a good reward for doing it. But it is also not hard at all to ask how you, too, can help with their directives and goals. The question “How can I help?” conveys interest, care and intention of building a team — not a dictatorship. So when you listen, really listen. If you need to sit in silence for a minute to get an answer, sit in silence for a minute to get an answer. Sixty seconds of not moving or talking in order to actively listen may be a challenge to your normal manner. Do it anyway. Then be sure to follow up on what you have been asked to support. This follow-through is symbolically important to the relationship and team you are building. In fact, it is more important than the action itself. So, if Joe asks you to provide a warm email introduction to Kelana in marketing, do it without complaining.

This is not rocket science. Yet for the fast-paced life, the restless mind and the get-it-done obsession that most entrepreneurs carry with them, these three things easily fall through the cracks.

Word of advice? Do what you need to do to intentionally execute on these three management tricks and you will solve 95% of complaints you have with employee performance. Plus, one day when you have a COO in place to do these things for you, you can get back to being your best self. Maybe then it will be time to start another new venture?