Want to Get a Promotion? 3 Ways To Earn It Fast
Most ambitious, go-getting, career-climbers definitely want a promotion at all times. And it’s not just about the title and the money. It’s about the fact that they hang their self-worth on their status and accomplishments.
We hear you. From Lion Leadership, our advice to people wanting to get a promotion is to follow these three steps.
#1 – Tell People You Want to Get a Promotion
There is certainly a time to be humble when seeking advancement. For example, thinking that you should automatically be promoted every year or so is a tall ask. It offends company owners who put their necks on the line just so you can be there doing the work you currently do. Yet, if you start to feel you have been passed over or if you have been in your position for years such that you are no longer learning from it, it is time to speak up. Tell your supervisor about your learning goals, career goals, and personal development goals.
#2 – Ask Others To Help You Develop So That You Are Ready For a Promotion
Leveling up in a company requires you to level up as a human. If you have done nothing to improve yourself and your ability to lead a team, and you have simply just performed tasks well, you are not ready. Involve others in this conversation. A personality assessment, a 360 review, involvement informal leadership, and management training are needed for your next level of self-awareness and other-awareness.
#3 – Crush a Mission Critical Assignment
If you don’t have a significant project on your desk where you can prove your worth to your colleagues and supervisors, then you might be in trouble. You might need to ask for one. Or design one and bring it forward for consideration. To crush it, however, you need to involve other people. The ability to generate buy-in from colleagues on a critically important company innovation, change, or improvement is what the decision-makers are looking for.
We wish you the very best of luck with your ambitions, and we hope you earn that promotion as fast as possible. Should you need any extra help – call us! We believe deeply that everyone who works needs a career coach. And, if you don’t have one, we can handpick a great match for you when you are ready.
We wish you the very best of luck with your career trajectory. If you are thinking about switching jobs take a look at this blog post for three things you should do first.
Want more ways to level up your career?
Book an informational appointment with us to talk about your goals and how Lion Leadership may be able to help.